OpenAI CEO Sam Altman Launches 'WorldCoin Crypto Project'

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OpenAI CEO Sam Altman Launches 'WorldCoin Crypto Project'


OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, in collaboration with co-founders Alex Blania and Max Novendstern, has recently launched the 'WorldCoin Crypto Project.' WorldCoin aims to revolutionize the digital landscape by creating a universal and decentralized digital identity, ensuring privacy protection and providing access to various online services and benefits. The project envisions using WorldCoin to distribute Universal Basic Income (UBI) to individuals worldwide, irrespective of their location, income, or social status. With nearly 2 million users already signed up for the beta version, WorldCoin has garnered significant attention and support.

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman Launches 'WorldCoin Crypto Project'
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman Launches 'WorldCoin Crypto Project'

The Vision of WorldCoin

At the core of the WorldCoin crypto project is the ambition to develop a universal digital identity that empowers individuals to have control over their data and privacy. By utilizing blockchain technology, WorldCoin seeks to establish a secure and immutable identity for users, reducing the risks associated with centralized systems and data breaches.

Universal Basic Income (UBI) and WorldCoin

WorldCoin's vision extends beyond just digital identity. The project aspires to serve a greater purpose by facilitating Universal Basic Income (UBI) distribution to every person globally. By leveraging blockchain and digital identity technologies, WorldCoin aims to provide an inclusive financial system that ensures every individual has access to basic income, promoting financial inclusion and economic empowerment.

Support from Tools for Humans

WorldCoin's journey has received support from the Tools for Humans organization, which operates in both San Francisco and Berlin. The collaboration with Tools for Humans reinforces the project's commitment to accessibility and global outreach.

World ID: A Secure Digital Passport

To achieve the goal of a universal digital identity, WorldCoin introduces the concept of a "World ID." This digital passport is authenticated through iris scanning using a unique device called 'Orb.' By using this innovative technology, WorldCoin can verify the authenticity of a human user, ensuring that they are not an AI bot.

How to Obtain World ID

Interested individuals can participate in the WorldCoin crypto project by downloading the World app and obtaining their World ID. This process involves scanning the user's iris using the Orb device. This innovative approach not only ensures a secure digital identity but also enhances the user experience by simplifying the verification process.


The launch of the 'WorldCoin Crypto Project' by OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, Alex Blania, and Max Novendstern marks a significant step towards creating a more inclusive and decentralized digital landscape. By offering a universal digital identity and exploring the possibilities of distributing Universal Basic Income (UBI), WorldCoin aims to empower individuals across the globe. With widespread support and significant user interest, WorldCoin demonstrates the potential for blockchain technology to revolutionize the way we access and manage digital services.



1. What is the 'WorldCoin Crypto Project'?

The 'WorldCoin Crypto Project' aims to create a universal and decentralized digital identity that provides privacy protection and enables access to various online services. It also envisions distributing Universal Basic Income (UBI) to individuals worldwide.

2. Who are the co-founders of the WorldCoin project?

The WorldCoin project is co-founded by OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, along with Alex Blania and Max Novendstern.

3. How does WorldCoin verify digital identity?

WorldCoin authenticates digital identity through iris scanning using a device called 'Orb,' generating a secure and unique World ID for each user.

4. What is the vision of WorldCoin beyond digital identity?

WorldCoin aspires to facilitate Universal Basic Income (UBI) distribution, providing financial inclusion and economic empowerment to individuals globally.

5. What is the role of the Tools for Humans organization in WorldCoin?

The Tools for Humans organization supports and collaborates with the WorldCoin project, contributing to its accessibility and global outreach.


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