International Youth Day-2023 will be celebrated today


International Youth Day 2023: Celebrating the Power of Youth and Sustainability


Every year, on August 12th, the global community unites in celebration of International Youth Day. This annual event, recognized by the United Nations (UN), serves as a special day to address critical issues that impact the world's youth population. The year 2023 marks another inspiring occasion for young individuals as they join hands to create positive change. In this article, we delve into the significance of International Youth Day and explore the theme for this year, 'Green Skills for Youth: Towards a Sustainable World'.

International Youth Day-2023 will be celebrated today
International Youth Day-2023 will be celebrated today

The Essence of International Youth Day

International Youth Day, established by the United Nations General Assembly on December 17, 1999, was first observed on August 12, 2000. Since then, this day has evolved into a vital tool for education, youth engagement in politics, and the promotion of effective resource management to tackle global challenges. The importance of this day lies in its ability to amplify the voices of young people, empowering them to contribute actively to society.

The Theme of 2023: 'Green Skills for Youth: Towards a Sustainable World'

The theme chosen for International Youth Day 2023 is 'Green Skills for Youth: Towards a Sustainable World'. In an ever-changing world, sustainability has become a paramount concern. The United Nations emphasizes that the theme aligns with the ongoing global green transition. As the world moves towards a greener future, equipping young individuals with green skills is essential to fostering a sustainable planet.

Green Skills: Paving the Way for Sustainable Development

The significance of 'Green Skills' extends beyond the environmental realm. It encompasses a wide range of skills, from sustainable agriculture and renewable energy to environmental conservation and waste reduction. These skills not only contribute to a healthier planet but also provide economic opportunities for the youth. By acquiring green skills, young individuals are prepared to play a pivotal role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Empowering Youth through Education

Education is a cornerstone of International Youth Day. It serves as a means to empower young minds, equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to drive positive change. By promoting education that focuses on sustainability and green skills, we pave the way for a generation of informed and conscious decision-makers who can address the challenges posed by climate change and environmental degradation.

Youth Engagement in Politics and Policy-making

Engaging youth in politics and policy-making is integral to shaping a sustainable future. International Youth Day encourages young people to actively participate in political processes, ensuring their voices are heard. When youth perspectives are included in policy discussions, innovative solutions can emerge, fostering a more inclusive and equitable society.

International Youth Day vs. National Youth Day

While International Youth Day holds global significance, various countries celebrate their own National Youth Days. For instance, India commemorates National Youth Day on January 12th in tribute to Swami Vivekananda, a key figure in the nation's freedom movement. This day acknowledges his invaluable contributions and serves as a reminder of the role youth play in shaping the destiny of a nation.


International Youth Day 2023 shines a spotlight on the powerful potential of the youth to drive positive change and contribute to a sustainable world. The theme of 'Green Skills for Youth' underscores the importance of equipping young individuals with the necessary skills to address environmental challenges. As we celebrate this day, let's recognize the invaluable role of youth in shaping a better future for all.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is International Youth Day?

   International Youth Day is an annual event recognized by the United Nations, dedicated to addressing important issues affecting the global youth population.

2. When was the first International Youth Day observed?

   The first International Youth Day was observed on August 12, 2000, following its official establishment on December 17, 1999.

3. What is the theme for International Youth Day 2023?

   The theme for International Youth Day 2023 is 'Green Skills for Youth: Towards a Sustainable World', focusing on equipping young individuals with skills for environmental sustainability.

4. Why are green skills important for youth?

   Green skills are crucial for youth as they enable them to contribute to a more sustainable planet and provide economic opportunities in various sectors.

5. **How does education contribute to International Youth Day's goals?

   Education empowers youth by providing them with knowledge and skills to address global challenges, promoting sustainable practices and informed decision-making. 

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