CSIR-NBRI launches unique Lotus variety 'Namoh 108'

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Blooming Brilliance: CSIR-NBRI's 'Namoh 108' Lotus Variety

In a tribute to India's rich botanical heritage and on the eve of Independence Day, the CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute (CSIR-NBRI) has unveiled a truly remarkable lotus variety named 'Namoh 108'. With 108 exquisite petals, this unique flower stands as a testament to both natural beauty and scientific innovation. Let's explore the significance of this exceptional achievement and its implications for India's botanical landscape.

CSIR-NBRI launches unique Lotus variety 'Namoh 108'
CSIR-NBRI launches unique Lotus variety 'Namoh 108'

A Blossoming Dedication

As part of the week-long 'One Week One Lab Programme' festival at the CSIR-NBRI in Lucknow, the extraordinary lotus variety 'Namoh 108' was introduced to the nation. This special event was led by the Director General of CSIR, N Kalaiselvi, who underscored the significance of this botanical marvel.

A Unique Genetic Marvel

The 'Namoh 108' lotus variety has its origins in a plant from Manipur and marks a pioneering feat in botanical research. It is the first lotus variety to have its entire genome sequenced. This remarkable achievement ensures that this plant will never face the threat of extinction or endangerment. Notably, this variety boasts the unique distinction of being the longest flowering variety compared to its counterparts.

A Year-Round Beauty

Setting it apart from other lotus varieties, 'Namoh 108' possesses the extraordinary ability to bloom from March to December. This extended flowering period showcases the plant's resilience and adaptability. This unique trait not only adds to its aesthetic appeal but also highlights the potential for year-round enjoyment of its beauty.

Expanding the Botanical Horizon

The innovation didn't stop at the 'Namoh 108' lotus variety. The unveiling event also saw the introduction of the 'NBRI-NIHAR' variant of Aloe vera. This exceptional variant boasts a staggering 2.5 times increase in gel yield compared to conventional Aloe vera plants. Additionally, it showcases impressive resistance to bacterial and fungal diseases, making it a potential game-changer in herbal remedies.

Natural Solutions for Well-Being

As part of its commitment to harnessing nature's bounty for human well-being, CSIR-NBRI also introduced 'Herbal Cold Drops' designed to alleviate common cough and cold ailments. Furthermore, the 'Herbal Anti-Dandruff Shampoo' offers a natural solution to promote scalp health. These additions further emphasize the institute's dedication to enhancing lives through nature-based solutions.


The introduction of 'Namoh 108', a lotus variety with 108 petals, is a remarkable feat that seamlessly marries natural beauty with scientific advancement. CSIR-NBRI's unwavering commitment to botanical research and innovation has led to a breakthrough that will not only captivate the nation but also contribute to the preservation and expansion of India's rich botanical heritage.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What is the 'Namoh 108' lotus variety?

'Namoh 108' is a unique lotus variety developed by CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute (CSIR-NBRI), featuring 108 petals. It is the first lotus variety with its genome completely sequenced.

2. What is the significance of the 'Namoh 108' variety?

'Namoh 108' showcases India's botanical innovation and scientific prowess. Its extended flowering period, unique genome sequencing, and aesthetic appeal contribute to its significance.

3. How does the 'NBRI-NIHAR' Aloe vera variant differ?

The 'NBRI-NIHAR' Aloe vera variant exhibits a 2.5 times increase in gel yield compared to conventional Aloe vera plants. It also demonstrates remarkable resistance to bacterial and fungal diseases.

4. What are the introduced herbal products?

The 'Herbal Cold Drops' offer relief from common cough and cold ailments, while the 'Herbal Anti-Dandruff Shampoo' promotes scalp health naturally, reflecting CSIR-NBRI's dedication to holistic well-being.

5. What does CSIR-NBRI's commitment to nature-based solutions entail?

CSIR-NBRI's commitment involves harnessing nature's resources for human well-being, as evidenced by the introduction of herbal products and botanical innovations like the 'Namoh 108' lotus variety.

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