CBI Academy attached to INTERPOL Global Academy Network

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CBI Academy Joins INTERPOL Global Academy Network: Strengthening Global Law Enforcement Training

The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Academy marked a significant milestone on 8 August 2023, as it became the 10th member of the Interpol Global Academy Network. This collaboration opens up new avenues for joint training programs and research initiatives. The integration of the CBI Academy into the network will play a pivotal role in enhancing law enforcement capabilities worldwide.

CBI Academy attached to INTERPOL Global Academy Network
CBI Academy attached to INTERPOL Global Academy Network

CBI Academy and Its Prime Focus

The CBI Academy, situated in Ghaziabad, is renowned as a premier training institute dedicated to crime investigation, prosecution, and vigilance methodology. With its rich legacy and expertise, the academy has evolved into a beacon of excellence in the field of law enforcement training.

Interpol Global Academy Network: A Nexus of Expertise

The Interpol Global Academy Network, established three years ago, is an amalgamation of elite law enforcement institutions. The primary objective of this network is to bolster INTERPOL's leadership in global law enforcement training. By uniting the expertise of various academies, the network aims to create a more coordinated and effective approach to combating crime on an international scale.

A Virtual Step towards Collaboration

In a significant stride towards global collaboration, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Academy joined the INTERPOL Global Academy Network through a virtual event. This event was meticulously orchestrated by the CBI agency, in conjunction with the Singapore-based Interpol Global Complex for Innovation. The virtual platform allowed for seamless interaction and information exchange despite geographical distances.

The Signing of Cooperation

A symbolic milestone of the partnership was the signing of the acceptance letter by Mohit Gupta, Deputy Inspector General (Training) of the CBI Academy, and Glenn Martindale, Director of the Directorate of Capacity Building and Training at Interpol. This formal agreement solidified the commitment of both entities to jointly enhance law enforcement training and knowledge dissemination.

CBI Academy's Ascension

Over the years, the CBI Academy has emerged as a cornerstone of police training in South Asia. Its commendable track record includes the training of over 50,000 police officers since its inception in 2005. Impressively, this training extends beyond national borders, encompassing approximately 1,432 officers from SAARC countries, Africa, South East Asia, Central Asia, and West Asia. This international outreach emphasizes the academy's commitment to sharing expertise and fostering collaboration on a global scale.

CBI and Its Origin

The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) was established in 1963, operating under the governance of the Delhi Special Police Establishment (DSPE) Act. The establishment of CBI was rooted in the recommendations of the Santhanam Committee (1962–1964) on Prevention of Corruption. This committee recognized the need for an empowered agency dedicated to investigating corruption and other significant criminal activities.


The acronym INTERPOL stands for International Criminal Police Organization. With its headquarters nestled in Lyon, France, INTERPOL has held a prominent role since its inception in 1923. This global organization serves as a crucial platform for international law enforcement cooperation, facilitating collaboration among police forces from different countries to combat transnational crime effectively.


The inclusion of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Academy into the Interpol Global Academy Network marks a progressive leap towards global law enforcement collaboration and training. This partnership holds the potential to reshape the landscape of international crime prevention through joint initiatives, research projects, and training programs.


FAQs About CBI Academy's Integration into INTERPOL Global Academy Network

1. What is the significance of the CBI Academy's membership in the Interpol Global Academy Network?

   The membership signifies enhanced global collaboration for law enforcement training and research.

2. How does the CBI Academy contribute to international law enforcement training?

   The CBI Academy has trained over 50,000 officers, including foreign nationals, fostering expertise sharing on a global scale.

3. What is the aim of the Interpol Global Academy Network?

   The network aims to strengthen INTERPOL's leadership in law enforcement training through the collaboration of elite institutions.

4. Who oversees the CBI?

   The CBI operates under the governance of the Delhi Special Police Establishment (DSPE) Act.

5. When was INTERPOL established?

   INTERPOL was founded in 1923 and has been headquartered in Lyon, France.


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