UP government approves construction of state's first ultra-super critical plant of 800 MW

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UP government approves construction of state's first ultra-supercritical plant of 800 MW

UP government approves construction of state's first ultra-super critical plant of 800 MW

 In the Uttar Pradesh cabinet meeting on 11 July 2023, 17 proposals were approved. Under this, 2 power plants of 800 MW each will be set up at Obra, Sonbhadra, Uttar Pradesh in collaboration with NTPC at a cost of ₹18,000 crore and will be the first ultra-supercritical plant in the state.
 Its total cost will be Rs 1800 crore. There is a coal mine near this plant, due to which consumers will get cheap electricity.
 The Government of Uttar Pradesh, in partnership with NTPC, will execute the projects on a 50:50 basis. While 30% equity will be provided for project implementation, the remaining 70% will be sourced from financial institutions. The first unit is targeted to be ready in 50 months and the second unit in 56 months.

 The objective of these projects is to meet the growing demand of power and provide affordable power to the people of the state. The implementation of these projects is expected to contribute about 25% of the existing thermal power generation capacity of the state, which currently stands at around 7,000 MW.

Other decisions

 Ranipur Tiger Reserve will be the fourth tiger reserve in the state of Uttar Pradesh. A comprehensive action plan was made in the cabinet meeting to plant 35 crore saplings.

 Children living in all types of homes run by voluntary organizations will now be given Rs 4000 per month. Regular 267 Class IV employees of Jal Nigam Urban will be accommodated on vacant posts in municipal bodies.

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