Why do we make a circle of our hands near our mouth while making a loud sound?

Why do we make a circle of our hands near our mouth while making a loud sound?

 It is a common experience that when we make a loud voice to a person of some kind, or sing a song in a loud voice, then we make a ghagma of halides near the Mah. Do you know why we do this?

Basically what happens is that while speaking, due to the vibrations of the vocal chords located in our throat, sound waves come out of the mouth, which are spread around in the air. When these sound waves reach the ear of another person, then he starts hearing our voice. As these sound waves travel more distance in the air, their energy decreases in the same way, as a result of which the intensity of the sound also decreases. When we put our palms near our mouth in the shape of a cup,Then the sound waves do not leave the mouth and spread around, but they move in some straight direction. Due to this, the energy of the sound waves does not decrease much and they can be heard over a long distance. By doing this our voice is heard more clearly and loudly to the distant person. That's why we make sound by placing our palms in a circle near the mouth, to send our sound to a greater distance.

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