‘United Nations Day 2023 for South-South Cooperation’ celebrated on 12 September


United Nations Day 2023 for South-South Cooperation: Celebrating Solidarity and Partnership

Explore the significance of United Nations Day 2023 for South-South Cooperation celebrated on 12 September. Learn about the theme, history, and objectives of this global initiative.


United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation, celebrated annually on September 12th, is a momentous occasion for countries worldwide. This year's theme, "Solidarity, Equity, and Partnership: Unlocking South-South Cooperation to Achieve the SDGs," emphasizes the importance of global cooperation in addressing pressing issues. In this article, we'll delve into the significance, history, and objectives of this initiative that promotes economic, social, and political development among developing countries.

Explore the significance of United Nations Day 2023 for South-South Cooperation celebrated on 12 September. Learn about the theme, history, and objectives of this global initiative.
‘United Nations Day 2023 for South-South Cooperation’ celebrated on 12 September

Unlocking the Theme

Theme Unveiled: Solidarity, Equity, and Partnership

The theme for United Nations Day 2023 underscores three crucial pillars: solidarity, equity, and partnership. Solidarity reminds us of the importance of standing together as a global community, irrespective of our differences. Equity highlights the need to address inequality, especially in income, GDP, and human development. Partnership emphasizes the collaborative efforts required to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This theme serves as a beacon, guiding nations towards a more equitable and sustainable future through cooperation.

South-South Cooperation: An Overview

A Celebration of Achievements

United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation is a day to celebrate the remarkable progress made in recent years by the regions and countries of the South. It acknowledges their economic, social, and political achievements, highlighting their growing influence on the global stage.

United Nations' Role in Technical Cooperation

The United Nations plays a pivotal role in fostering technical cooperation between developing countries. Through its initiatives and programs, it facilitates knowledge exchange, skill development, and resource sharing. This collaborative effort aims to empower nations to tackle shared challenges effectively.

Addressing Global Inequality

The Focus on South-South Cooperation

In an increasingly interconnected world, inequality persists between countries and regions. Income disparities, GDP variations, and differences in human development indices create a stark divide. To bridge these gaps, the focus has shifted towards South-South cooperation.

Promoting Cooperation Among Developing Countries

The primary objective of South-South cooperation is to promote collaboration among developing countries. By sharing experiences, knowledge, and resources, these nations can collectively work towards sustainable development. This initiative encourages a sense of solidarity among nations, fostering a more equitable world.

The Birth of UNOSSC

United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation

In 1974, recognizing the need for a dedicated body to oversee South-South cooperation efforts, the United Nations established the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC). This office serves as the key United Nations body responsible for coordinating various cooperation initiatives.

Renaming and Reinventing

In a significant development, the High-level Committee decided on April 2, 2012, to rename it as the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC). This renaming symbolized the evolving nature of South-South cooperation and its increasing relevance in addressing global challenges.


What is the significance of United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation?

United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation celebrates the achievements of developing countries in the economic, social, and political spheres. It highlights the United Nations' role in fostering technical cooperation between these nations.

Why is there a focus on South-South cooperation?

Increasing inequality in income, GDP, and human development between countries and regions has led to a renewed focus on South-South cooperation. This initiative aims to promote collaboration among developing nations.

What is the theme for United Nations Day 2023 for South-South Cooperation?

The theme for 2023 is "Solidarity, Equity, and Partnership: Unlocking South-South Cooperation to Achieve the SDGs." It underscores the importance of global cooperation in addressing shared challenges.

What is the role of the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC)?

UNOSSC serves as the key United Nations body responsible for coordinating various South-South cooperation efforts. It plays a pivotal role in facilitating knowledge exchange and resource sharing among developing countries.

How can South-South cooperation help in achieving the SDGs?

South-South cooperation encourages developing nations to collaborate in addressing the SDGs. By sharing experiences and resources, these countries can work together more effectively towards sustainable development.

What led to the renaming of UNOSSC in 2012?

The renaming of UNOSSC in 2012 reflected the evolving nature of South-South cooperation and its growing importance in addressing global challenges. It signified a recommitment to fostering collaboration among developing nations.


United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation, celebrated on September 12th, stands as a testament to the power of global solidarity and partnership. The theme for 2023, "Solidarity, Equity, and Partnership," reminds us that by working together, we can unlock the potential to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and create a more equitable world. With the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) leading the way, developing nations are joining hands to address the challenges of our time. Let this day serve as an inspiration for us all to foster cooperation and work towards a brighter future.



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