Switzerland tops US News & World Report's annual 'Best Countries Ranking 2023'


Switzerland Tops US News & World Report's Annual 'Best Countries Ranking 2023'

Discover why Switzerland reigns as the best country in the world for the second year running, according to the US News & World Report's 2023 rankings. Dive into the details, rankings, and what sets Switzerland apart.


In the realm of global rankings, Switzerland has once again taken the crown as the world's best country, securing the coveted top spot for the second consecutive year in US News & World Report's annual 'Best Countries Ranking 2023.' This prestigious ranking, created in collaboration with global marketing communications company WPP and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, is based on a global survey involving over 17,000 individuals from 36 countries, associating different nations with specific attributes.

In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the rankings, explore the countries that shine and those that face challenges, and gain insights into what makes Switzerland the reigning champion. Join us on this journey as we unravel the key highlights of the 'Best Countries Ranking 2023.'

Discover why Switzerland reigns as the best country in the world for the second year running, according to the US News & World Report's 2023 rankings. Dive into the details, rankings, and what sets Switzerland apart.
Switzerland tops US News & World Report's annual 'Best Countries Ranking 2023'

The Top 5 Countries

1. Switzerland: A Stalwart of Excellence

Switzerland's consistent dominance as the best country underscores its remarkable qualities. With unparalleled achievements in various aspects, including economic stability, healthcare, education, and quality of life, Switzerland has set a high standard for the world to admire.

2. Canada: A Close Second

Not far behind, Canada secures the second position in the rankings. Known for its multiculturalism, natural beauty, and strong economy, Canada is a magnet for immigrants seeking a better life.

3. Sweden: A Nordic Jewel

Sweden, at third place, showcases its commitment to social welfare, innovation, and environmental sustainability. It boasts a high standard of living and a thriving tech scene.

4. Australia: Land of Opportunities

Australia takes the fourth spot, celebrated for its diverse landscapes, wildlife, and a strong economy. It is a favorite destination for students and professionals alike.

5. United States: A Powerhouse

The United States completes the top 5 with its economic might, cultural influence, and technological innovation. While facing challenges, the USA remains a global powerhouse.

Shifting Rankings

Germany's Slide

One notable shift in the rankings is Germany's descent from the second position in 2022 to seventh in 2023. This change reflects evolving perceptions and global dynamics.

New Zealand, the UK, and the Netherlands

New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands secure positions within the top 10, emphasizing their allure in terms of quality of life, heritage, and cultural impact.

Global Representation

While Switzerland reigns supreme, the rankings also shed light on regional and continental distinctions:

Middle East Representation

The only Middle Eastern nation to break into the top 25 is the United Arab Emirates, signifying its economic prowess and global influence.

Asia's Prominence

Asia finds its place in the rankings with Japan, Singapore, China, and South Korea showcasing their impact on the world stage.

Challenges at the Bottom

Conversely, some countries face significant challenges, occupying the lower rungs of the rankings:

Iran, Belarus, Lebanon, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan

These nations find themselves at the bottom of the list, reflecting the complexities and issues they grapple with.

New Entrants

Cyprus, Honduras, and Zimbabwe make their debut in the rankings, marking their progress and adherence to benchmark criteria. Additionally, El Salvador rejoins the list after a brief hiatus in 2022.

India's Progress

India's performance in the rankings is noteworthy. With an overall score of 40.8, India improved from 31st place in 2022 to 30th place in 2023. Its strength lies in the 'Movers' category, where it ranks 5th, indicating significant future growth potential. Furthermore, India earns the 8th spot in culture and heritage and ranks 12th among the most powerful countries.

Thematic Sub-Rankings

US News & World Report's annual ranking doesn't stop at the overall ranking; it also divides countries into 10 thematic sub-rankings, each offering unique insights:

1. Adventure: Countries known for thrilling experiences.
2. Agility: Nations quick to adapt and innovate.
3. Cultural Impact: Places with rich heritage and global influence.
4. Entrepreneurship: Hubs of business innovation.
5. Heritage: Nations preserving their cultural legacies.
6. Movers**: Countries with high future growth potential.
7. Open for Business: Favorable environments for entrepreneurs.
8. Power: Nations wielding significant global influence.
9. Quality of Life: Places offering a high standard of living.
10. Social Purpose: Countries dedicated to social welfare.

These sub-rankings provide a more nuanced view of each country's strengths and weaknesses.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the methodology behind the 'Best Countries Ranking 2023'?

The rankings are based on a global survey involving over 17,000 people from 36 countries. They associate different countries with specific characteristics, and these perceptions shape the rankings.

What attributes are considered in the thematic sub-rankings?

The thematic sub-rankings cover a wide spectrum, including adventure, agility, cultural impact, entrepreneurship, heritage, movers, open for business, power, quality of life, and social purpose. Each category highlights a different aspect of a country's appeal.

How does India fare in the rankings?

India has shown progress, improving from 31st place in 2022 to 30th place in 2023. It excels in the 'Movers' category, ranking 5th for future growth potential, and also performs well in culture, heritage, and power rankings.

What led to Germany's decline in the rankings?

Germany's descent from the second position in 2022 to seventh in 2023 can be attributed to evolving global dynamics and changing perceptions.

Why is Switzerland consistently ranked as the best country?

Switzerland's top ranking is attributed to its excellence in various areas, including economic stability, healthcare, education, and quality of life. It sets a high standard for other nations to aspire to.

How can a country's ranking change from year to year?

A country's ranking can change due to various factors, including shifts in global perceptions, changes in leadership, economic developments, and evolving cultural influences.


Switzerland's continued reign as the world's best country in US News & World Report's annual 'Best Countries Ranking 2023' is a testament to its exceptional qualities. While other nations excel in various aspects, Switzerland's consistent excellence sets a high bar for the world to follow.

As we explore these rankings and the factors that shape them, we gain valuable insights into the evolving dynamics of our global landscape. Whether a country rises, falls, or holds its ground, the 'Best Countries Ranking' serves as a mirror reflecting the changing perceptions and priorities of our world.


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