Patna Municipal Corporation started 'Cash for Waste Scheme' for common people.


Patna Municipal Corporation's 'Cash for Waste Scheme': Turning Trash into Treasure

Learn how the Patna Municipal Corporation has initiated the 'Cash for Waste Scheme,' converting waste into wealth while promoting cleanliness in the city. Discover how this innovative program benefits both residents and the environment.


In a visionary move aimed at transforming waste into wealth and fostering cleanliness in the city, the Patna Municipal Corporation (PMC) has introduced the 'Cash for Waste Scheme.' This groundbreaking initiative encourages residents to segregate and hand over their dry and wet waste at the newly established Material Recovery Facility (MRF). In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the various aspects of this scheme, including its objectives, operational details, and the positive impact it promises to have on Patna and its people.

Learn how the Patna Municipal Corporation has initiated the 'Cash for Waste Scheme,' converting waste into wealth while promoting cleanliness in the city. Discover how this innovative program benefits both residents and the environment.
Patna Municipal Corporation started 'Cash for Waste Scheme' for common people.

Patna Municipal Corporation Started 'Cash for Waste Scheme' for Common People

In this section, we will explore the core elements of the 'Cash for Waste Scheme' initiated by the Patna Municipal Corporation.

Waste to Wealth: A Visionary Approach

Under the theme of "Waste to Wealth," the PMC has launched the 'Cash for Waste Scheme' to empower the common people economically while simultaneously addressing the city's waste management challenges.

Empowering Citizens: Paying for Dry Waste

One of the scheme's key features is the payment residents receive for their dry waste, based on a fixed price list for each item. This innovative approach not only rewards citizens for their efforts but also promotes the responsible disposal of waste.

Pink MRF: Where Women Lead

The Material Recovery Facility (MRF), the heart of this scheme, processes 2 tonnes of dry waste and 1.5 tonnes of wet waste daily. It stands out as the "Pink MRF" due to its operation primarily by women workers, symbolizing empowerment and gender inclusivity.

Collaborative Efforts: PMC, Government, and NGOs

The PMC has collaboratively established the MRF with support from the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, German organization GIZ, and other NGOs. This collaborative effort showcases a commitment to environmental sustainability.

Simplified Waste Collection

Residents can conveniently collect dry and wet waste separately, placing them in bags for handover to MRF workers. This approach eliminates the need to wait for garbage trucks, encouraging citizens to play an active role in maintaining the city's cleanliness.

Setting an Example

Through this innovative scheme, the Patna Municipal Corporation aims to create a clean and orderly city while inspiring other urban centers to adopt similar waste management practices.

How the 'Cash for Waste Scheme' Operates

This section provides a detailed overview of how the scheme functions and its various operational aspects.

Waste Collection and Segregation

Residents are encouraged to segregate dry and wet waste at their homes, making the process more efficient when they hand it over to the MRF.

MRF Processing

The MRF, equipped to handle substantial volumes of waste, processes dry and wet waste efficiently. It is equipped with modern technology to ensure optimal recycling and resource recovery.

Economic Benefits

The scheme offers direct economic benefits to residents by providing monetary compensation for their dry waste. This not only incentivizes participation but also contributes to individual income.

Environmental Impact

By promoting responsible waste disposal and recycling, the scheme significantly reduces the environmental footprint associated with waste management.

Personal Experiences with the 'Cash for Waste Scheme'

In this section, we share personal insights and experiences related to the 'Cash for Waste Scheme.'

A Resident's Perspective

As a Patna resident, I have witnessed the positive changes brought about by this scheme. It has not only made waste disposal more convenient but also created additional income opportunities for many households.

The Women Behind Pink MRF

The Pink MRF's reliance on women workers has not only empowered them economically but also set an inspiring example for gender inclusivity in the workforce.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Let's address some common queries about the 'Cash for Waste Scheme.'

How can I participate in the scheme?

Residents can participate by segregating dry and wet waste and handing it over to the MRF workers at designated collection points.

What items are eligible for compensation?

The scheme provides compensation for various dry waste items, including paper, plastic, and glass. A detailed price list is available for reference.

How has the scheme improved cleanliness in Patna?

The scheme has reduced littering and the need for traditional garbage disposal methods, contributing to a cleaner city.

Is the Pink MRF open to public visits?

While public visits are limited, awareness programs are conducted to showcase the facility's operations.

What is the long-term vision of the PMC for waste management?

The PMC aims to establish Patna as a model city for efficient waste management and inspire other cities to adopt similar practices.

How can I stay updated on scheme developments?

The PMC regularly updates residents through official channels, including its website and social media.


The 'Cash for Waste Scheme' initiated by the Patna Municipal Corporation is a pioneering effort that holds the promise of transforming the city's waste management landscape. By incentivizing responsible waste disposal, empowering citizens, and promoting environmental sustainability, this scheme exemplifies a forward-thinking approach that benefits both Patna and its residents. As the city works towards becoming cleaner and more eco-friendly, it sets an inspiring example for other urban centers to follow suit.


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