7th GEF Assembly held in Vancouver, Canada


7th GEF Assembly held in Vancouver, Canada: Leading the Way in Global Environmental Conservation

 Discover the highlights of the 7th GEF Assembly in Vancouver, Canada, where environmental leaders from 185 countries converged to launch the Global Biodiversity Framework Fund (GBFF) and address critical issues in climate, biodiversity, and pollution.


The 7th Assembly of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) held in Vancouver, Canada, from August 22 to August 26, 2023, marked a pivotal moment in global environmental conservation efforts. This gathering brought together environmental leaders from 185 countries to address pressing issues and launch the Global Biodiversity Framework Fund (GBFF). In this article, we will delve into the key highlights of this assembly and explore the significance of the GBFF in safeguarding our planet.

Discover the highlights of the 7th GEF Assembly in Vancouver, Canada, where environmental leaders from 185 countries converged to launch the Global Biodiversity Framework Fund (GBFF) and address critical issues in climate, biodiversity, and pollution.
7th GEF Assembly held in Vancouver, Canada

7th GEF Assembly: A Global Convergence

Environmental leaders, policymakers, and experts from 185 nations gathered in the picturesque city of Vancouver, Canada, to participate in the 7th GEF Assembly. This assembly aimed to provide a platform for collaborative efforts to combat biodiversity loss, climate change, pollution, and the degradation of land and ocean health.

Global Biodiversity Framework Fund (GBFF) Unveiled

One of the most significant outcomes of the 7th GEF Assembly was the launch of the Global Biodiversity Framework Fund (GBFF). This groundbreaking initiative serves as a new source of funding dedicated to protecting species and ecosystems on a global scale. The GBFF holds the promise of financing projects and initiatives that will play a crucial role in preserving the Earth's biodiversity.

Accelerating Efforts: GEF Council Meeting in Brazil

Prior to the 7th GEF Assembly, at the 64th GEF Council meeting in Brazil in July 2023, the governing body approved the disbursement of an impressive US$1.4 billion. This funding injection is set to accelerate global efforts to address climate change, biodiversity conservation, and pollution reduction. It reflects the commitment of the GEF to making a tangible impact on these critical issues.

Financing the Future: GBFF in Brazil

In a notable development, Brazil itself approved the establishment of the Global Biodiversity Framework Fund (GBFF). This fund is specifically earmarked to finance the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. The commitment to such financing signifies a significant step toward achieving the objectives of global biodiversity conservation.

Inclusivity in Conservation: Allocation of Resources

One remarkable aspect of the GBFF is its commitment to inclusivity. To ensure a comprehensive approach, 20% of the fund will be allocated to Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLC). Additionally, 25% of the funding will be directed to GEF agencies, 36% to Small Island Developing States (SIDS), and 3% to Least Developed Countries (LDCs). This distribution underscores the importance of involving diverse stakeholders in conservation efforts.

Understanding the Global Environment Facility (GEF)

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) plays a central role in addressing environmental challenges. Established a day before the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, the GEF functions as a dedicated fund focused on combatting biodiversity loss, climate change, pollution, and the degradation of land and ocean health. It serves as a critical enabler of global environmental conservation efforts.

Reflecting on Past Assemblies: Da Nang, Vietnam

The Sixth Assembly of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and related meetings took place in Da Nang, Vietnam, from June 23 to June 29, 2018. This assembly paved the way for subsequent gatherings, such as the 7th GEF Assembly in Vancouver, Canada, demonstrating the continuity and commitment of the global community in addressing environmental challenges.


Q: How does the GBFF contribute to biodiversity conservation?

The GBFF plays a crucial role by providing funding for projects and initiatives aimed at protecting species and ecosystems worldwide.

Q: What is the significance of involving Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLC) in conservation efforts?

Involving IPLC ensures that conservation efforts take into account traditional knowledge and local perspectives, leading to more effective and sustainable outcomes.

Q: How can countries access funding from the GBFF?

Countries can access funding by submitting proposals for projects that align with the objectives of the GBFF and demonstrate their commitment to biodiversity conservation.

Q: What is the role of GEF agencies in environmental conservation?

GEF agencies play a critical role in implementing and managing projects funded by the GEF, ensuring that resources are allocated efficiently and effectively.

Q: Why is it essential to address climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution together?

Addressing these issues in tandem is essential because they are interconnected and exacerbate each other. Comprehensive solutions are necessary to create a sustainable future.

Q: How can individuals contribute to global environmental conservation efforts?

Individuals can contribute by adopting sustainable practices, supporting conservation organizations, and advocating for policies that prioritize environmental protection.


The 7th GEF Assembly held in Vancouver, Canada, showcased the dedication of global environmental leaders to address the pressing challenges of our time. With the launch of the Global Biodiversity Framework Fund (GBFF) and the allocation of resources to diverse stakeholders, this assembly set the stage for significant advancements in biodiversity conservation, climate action, and pollution reduction. As we reflect on this gathering, it becomes evident that collaboration and commitment are vital to securing a sustainable future for our planet.


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