Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina launched the 'Universal Pension Scheme'


Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina Launches the 'Universal Pension Scheme'


In a significant move aimed at providing financial security to its citizens, Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina launched the 'Universal Pension Scheme' on 17 August 2023. This groundbreaking initiative is designed to encompass citizens above the age of 18 years and extend pension coverage to ensure their well-being in their golden years.

Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina launched the 'Universal Pension Scheme'
Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina launched the 'Universal Pension Scheme'

The Vision Behind the Scheme

The 'Universal Pension Scheme' is a transformative step forward in Bangladesh's commitment to enhancing the quality of life for its citizens. With the aging population and the changing dynamics of work and retirement, the government recognizes the need to establish a robust framework that guarantees financial stability and dignity during retirement.

Diversified Packages for Inclusive Coverage

The scheme is characterized by its inclusivity, offering a range of packages tailored to different segments of the population.

Pragati: Empowering Private Job Holders

The 'Pragati' package addresses the needs of private job holders. This group forms a vital part of the workforce, and the scheme aims to provide them with a reliable pension option that ensures their post-retirement well-being.

Surokkha: Enabling Self-Employed Individuals

The 'Surokkha' package is specifically designed for self-employed individuals who contribute significantly to the economy. This group often lacks traditional pension plans, and this scheme fills the gap by offering them a secure financial future.

Samata: Supporting Low-Income Earners

Recognizing the challenges faced by low-income earners, the 'Samata' package offers a lifeline by extending pension benefits to this group. This ensures that even those with limited means have the opportunity to retire with dignity.

Prabashi: Catering to Migrant Bangladeshis

The 'Prabashi' package is a testament to the government's commitment to its citizens abroad. Migrant Bangladeshis, who contribute to the nation's economy through remittances, will now have access to pension benefits, promoting their financial security and well-being.

Participation Criteria and Benefits

Inclusivity Beyond Age

The 'Universal Pension Scheme' welcomes participation from citizens above the age of 18 years. This forward-looking approach recognizes that financial planning for retirement should commence early, ensuring a stable future.

Installments and Retirement Benefits

Participants are required to make regular installments until the age of 60 years. These contributions pave the way for pension benefits during retirement. Moreover, individuals above 50 years can also join the scheme, albeit with the condition of continuous payments for a duration of 10 years.


Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's launch of the 'Universal Pension Scheme' marks a momentous stride towards securing the financial well-being of Bangladesh's citizens. By catering to various segments of the population and fostering inclusivity, this scheme sets a precedent for progressive governance and a commitment to ensuring a dignified retirement for all.


1. Who can participate in the 'Universal Pension Scheme'?

   Any citizen above the age of 18 years can participate in the scheme.

2. What are the different packages under the scheme?

   The packages include Pragati, Surokkha, Samata, and Prabashi, catering to various groups.

3. Can self-employed individuals benefit from the scheme?

   Yes, the 'Surokkha' package is tailored for self-employed individuals.

4. What is the age limit for joining the scheme?

   Individuals above the age of 50 years can join the scheme with continuous payments for 10 years.

5. How does the scheme contribute to financial security?

   The scheme's regular installments pave the way for pension benefits during retirement, ensuring financial stability.

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