Prime Minister Narendra Modi dedicates 'SAUNI project' to Gujarat


Prime Minister Narendra Modi Dedicates 'SAUNI Project' to Gujarat

In a momentous occasion for the people of Saurashtra, Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled the life-giving 'SAUNI Scheme' or the 'Saurashtra Narmada Avtaran Irrigation' scheme, alongside several other development projects. The SAUNI scheme, conceptualized by the Gujarat Government, aims to address the perennial issue of water scarcity by diverting excess floodwaters from the Sardar Sarovar Dam on the banks of the Narmada River to refill 115 major dams in drought-prone regions.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi dedicates 'SAUNI project' to Gujarat
Prime Minister Narendra Modi dedicates 'SAUNI project' to Gujarat

Unveiling the Vision

The SAUNI project's primary objective is to harness the potential of the overflowing Narmada River during monsoons and channelize the water to drought-hit areas of Saurashtra. With the completion of Package 8 and Package 9 of Link-3 under the SAUNI scheme, Gujarat has taken a giant leap towards ensuring a sustainable water supply for its citizens.

A Network of Hope

Over the last 7 years, the state has successfully laid a staggering 1203-kilometre pipeline, connecting various reservoirs and water bodies. This extensive pipeline network has made an astounding 71,206 million cubic feet of water available in 95 reservoirs, 146 village ponds, and 927 check dams, effectively bolstering irrigation facilities across approximately 6.50 lakh acres of farmland. Furthermore, this comprehensive effort has brought the life-sustaining waters of Mother Narmada to about 80 lakh people for drinking purposes.

The Promise of Progress

As the SAUNI project reaches completion, more than 970 villages will benefit from Narmada water facilities, which will aid in the irrigation of 8,24,872 acres of agricultural land and provide drinking water to an estimated 82 lakh people. The colossal undertaking, amounting to a total cost of Rs 18,563 crore, has achieved a commendable 95% completion rate, and the remaining work is being fast-tracked to deliver its full potential.

Transforming Lives

The SAUNI scheme has brought about a transformative change in the lives of the people residing in the arid regions of Saurashtra. The availability of water for irrigation has not only enhanced agricultural productivity but has also provided economic stability to farmers and rural communities. Moreover, the assurance of clean drinking water has alleviated the hardships faced by millions during water scarcity periods.


The dedication of the 'SAUNI Project' to Gujarat marks a significant milestone in the pursuit of sustainable water management and development. Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision and determination have resulted in the successful realization of a project that holds the key to a prosperous future for Saurashtra. By harnessing the abundant waters of the Narmada River, the SAUNI scheme has breathed new life into drought-prone areas, ensuring a better quality of life for millions of citizens.


1. What is the SAUNI Scheme?

   The SAUNI Scheme, short for 'Saurashtra Narmada Avtaran Irrigation,' is a visionary project initiated by the Gujarat Government to address water scarcity in the Saurashtra region by diverting excess floodwaters from the Narmada River.

2. How has the SAUNI project benefitted Gujarat?

   The SAUNI project has brought about significant benefits to Gujarat by providing a reliable irrigation system, improving agricultural productivity, and ensuring access to clean drinking water for millions of people.

3. What is the completion status of the SAUNI project?

   As of now, approximately 95% of the SAUNI project has been completed, with the remaining work progressing rapidly.

4. How has the SAUNI scheme impacted rural communities?

   The SAUNI scheme has positively impacted rural communities by uplifting their livelihoods through improved irrigation facilities and access to clean drinking water, fostering economic growth and stability.

5. What is the significance of the SAUNI project for Saurashtra's future?

   The SAUNI project's successful completion promises a bright and sustainable future for Saurashtra, reducing the region's dependence on erratic rainfall and transforming it into a thriving and water-secure region.

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