Haryana became the first state in the country to start 'creche policy'


Haryana Becomes the First State in the Country to Start 'Creche Policy'


On July 26, 2023, the Haryana Women and Child Development Department made a significant announcement, issuing the notification for the Haryana State Creche Policy-2022. With this move, Haryana has become the pioneer state in the country to introduce a comprehensive crèche policy. This policy aims to support working women by providing a safe and nurturing environment for their children while they are at work. Let's delve deeper into the details of this groundbreaking policy and its implications.

Haryana became the first state in the country to start 'creche policy'
Haryana became the first state in the country to start 'creche policy'

The Need for a Crèche Policy

The crèche policy was established with the primary objective of easing the challenges faced by working women who have young children. Many working mothers find it challenging to balance their professional responsibilities and childcare duties. The crèche policy intends to address this issue and ensure that working women can pursue their careers without compromising the well-being of their children.

Key Highlights of the Crèche Policy

1. Age Eligibility and Timings

   Under the crèche policy, children aged between six months to six years are eligible to be enrolled in the crèche. The crèche will operate for eight to ten hours a day, providing ample time for working mothers to focus on their work.

2. Qualified Personnel

   Skilled and trained personnel will be appointed to take care of the children in the crèche. The crèche workers will receive a monthly salary of Rs 15,000, while the helpers will be paid Rs 7,500 per month.

3. Mandatory for Institutions

   The crèche policy makes it mandatory for all institutions employing more than 50 individuals to establish crèches within their premises. This step ensures that a large number of working women can benefit from this initiative.

4. Government Initiative

   Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar had previously given directives to open 500 crèches across the state. As of now, 165 crèches have been established in 16 districts, with plans to expand further under the new policy.

The 'Crèche Policy' in Detail

The crèche facilities provided under this policy aim to offer a holistic and nurturing environment for children's growth and development. The following are the key aspects of the crèche policy:

1. Child-Centric Amenities

   The crèches will be equipped with a range of play materials, toys, and games to engage the children in productive and enjoyable activities. Moreover, they will receive nutritious food, regular health check-ups, vaccinations, and ample space for sleeping.

2. Education and Development

   The crèche policy emphasizes the significance of early childhood education. As a result, the crèches will provide opportunities for educational development, fostering cognitive, physical, and socio-emotional growth.

3. Collaboration with Mobile Crèche Organization

   The Women and Child Development Department have collaborated with the Mobile Crèche Organization to establish modern and well-equipped crèches. These crèches will operate for 26 days every month, offering consistent support to working mothers.

4. Proximity to Workplace

   To cater to the convenience of working women, the crèches will be established within a maximum distance of 500 meters from their workplaces.


The introduction of the Haryana State Creche Policy-2022 is a commendable step towards empowering women in the workforce. By providing a nurturing and secure environment for their children, this policy ensures that working women can pursue their careers without worrying about childcare. With Haryana leading the way, it is hoped that other states in the country will follow suit, recognizing the importance of supporting working mothers and their families.


1. Who is eligible to enroll their children in the crèche under the policy?

   Children aged between six months to six years can be enrolled in the crèche under the policy.

2. Are the crèches open on weekends?

   No, the crèches will operate for 26 days in a month, excluding weekends.

3. What amenities will the crèches provide for the children?

   The crèches will offer play materials, toys, nutritious food, health check-ups, vaccinations, sleeping arrangements, and educational facilities.

4. Is the crèche policy applicable only to government institutions?

   No, the crèche policy applies to all institutions with more than 50 employees, including private entities.

5. Can fathers also avail of the crèche facilities for their children?

   Yes, the crèche facilities are available for both working mothers and fathers in need of childcare support.

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